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Rewrite Your Life's Narrative
With Heartfelt Changes

Helping others to become intentional and purpose-driven in their daily actions is the mission of Heartfelt Changes. Within the realms of Heartfelt Changes, I will help children and young adults to develop coping skills, self-regulation strategies and enhance their executive functioning skills.  My expertise also offers adults, such as parents, school personnel, and all caregivers, evidence-based techniques and strategies that aids in building meaningful, trusting, nurturing relationships.  Faith and professional growth have led me to embark upon this journey to extend my reach across the world in helping others to achieve their optimum potential.

My Goal

My goal is to provide individuals, families, and organizations opportunities to reach their optimum potentials of healing, communicating, and building safe, trusting, and healthy relationships. My focus is to provide knowledge and strategies to help nourish and meet the whole person's needs.

Services Offered
  • Behavioral/Mental Wellness Coaching

  • Life Coaching

  • Trust-Based Relational Intervention Training

  • Youth Mental Health First Aid



I first met Mrs. Lumar when I was in the second grade and she was my school's counselor through the fifth grade. I could sit and talk about Mrs. Lumar all day but what I will say is that she brought so much positivity to not only me but the entire school in general. Every morning I walked into school, she was there saying good morning and making sure I started my day off right. If she came across me and I looked sad or upset, she made it very clear that she was there to talk to me and help me. As a child it's very important to have adults at school that you know you could go to and Mrs. Lumar was that individual for me. She makes it easy for you to talk to her. She's loving, kind, caring, and has a great sense of humor. At the age of 23, I can still count on Mrs. Lumar. 

Josee' Mackyeon

I have been working as a professional school counselor for the last seven years, and I have come to rely on Shannon Lumar not only for her expertise in the field of guidance and counseling, but for her extensive background in Youth Mental Health First Aid, Trust Based Relational Interventions, and Reactive Emotional Behavior Therapy.


​I have witnessed Ms. Lumar's guidance in supporting the emotional needs of a very diverse student population, to include military connected families. She also works in collaboration with all stakeholders in the community to ensure students, faculty, and staff, achieves their goals. Ms. Lumar is a consummate professional and an inspiration to all who encounter her.

Lynn Verrego, Professional School Counselor

I met Mrs. Lumar when she was my 1st grade teacher. Throughout these 28 years of life she has been the BEST teacher I’ve ever had. She took me under her wing at only 7/8 years old and loved me like I was her own. She and I were inseparable. Mrs. Lumar showed me a different kind of love being so young and taught me so much in the midst of it all. I loved helping her around the class, helping with her daughters, etc Thank you for your love & kindness to this day!

Arleya Morgan

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(832) 262-9603

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